Japan has just been given the all-clear to "mine" Phobos which is a Moon of Mars. This is the future that you saw on the big screen as a kid, this is the science fiction future of the biggest companies in history coming to life.
I believe the future was set a long time ago.The thing is that we can't see it realizing because it's just so slow in materialising. We already innately know that cars will hover and we already know that we will be living on Mars.
So, we will be colonising Mars and its Moons, mining Mars for (helium 3).
We will meet Aliens and we will more than likely develop warp drives, 3D printing food is very close even now, we've already got clones.

(Image Credit Zero Hedge)
(Image Credit Above Top - Mining)
We have megalomaniacs stroking a white cat with an eye patch on sitting at the head of a boardroom table.

(Image Credit NASA)
Mars has two small moons called Phobos and Deimos, meaning fear and panic. There are many Moons in space orbiting planets and the scope for companies trying to get all they can from these valuable space nomads is endless.
Japanese space agency JAXA hopes to travel to the Mars moon Phobos, drill into it, and then bring a piece of it back to Earth for investigation.
Related post:
JAXA has its sights set on boring a hole into Phobos and has scheduled this to happen by 2024. It has been dubbed mission MMX and it will involve a spacecraft with a robotic arm that will do the digging.
However, Earthly laws state that humans exploring the Solar System must abide by certain rules to protect Space from human contamination.
JAXA had to apply to the World's Committee on Space Research Planetary Protection Panel, which has recently granted the permission.
A team of international scientists make up the panel and are tasked with enforcing the United Nations’ Outer Space Treaty of 1967.
I didn't even know there was a committee tasked with granting anything like this.
I didn't even know some people actually sit down and discuss this and then have the power to grant permission slips - but what I do know is that after finding this out just recently my subsequent thoughts are these.
This committee will be in demand more and more as time goes on.
Speeded up, over decades the committee will start to see a trickle and then an avalanche of requests.
This treaty says that "states shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies", meaning you can't just go into space and start taking bits and pieces apart, largely because leaving Earthly germs behind could mess up future investigations for life.
Permission was granted to Japan because there is little evidence that the Phobos moon contains any life so contamination is not likely to be an issue.
There is still a tiny chance that Phobos and Deimos could contain Martian microbes but it is highly improbable.
"We believe that the returned samples will provide clues about their origins and offer an opportunity to directly explore the moon’s building blocks or primitive crust or mantle components of Mars."
Here is all you need to know about Mars and the fact that Mars was declared and ruled as the "second most habitable planet in space" right after Earth.
This is stunning considering this is made up of actual evidence collected over decades of scrutiny - so here are a few answers to the widely asked questions regarding Mars:
Mars is a planet which has been featured in countless Hollywood movies, and documentaries and is arguably one of the "more well-known planets" in space.
There's been everything sent to Mars that we have sent to the Moon give or take a few nuts and bolts - except for humans who have only gone to the Moon (apparently), it is the same.
Source The Sun.
Source Mining.
Source Reference Colonization of Mars.
Source Asteroid Mining Wikipedia.
Source Reference Zero Hedge.
Source NASA.
Source JAXA.
JAXA will also be checking if Phobos contains any water and Nasa is currently developing a probe instrument to make this possible.
Understanding where the Mars moons came from and what they're made of could unlock mysteries surrounding the formation of habitable planets.
A JAXA spokesperson concluded:
Understanding where the Mars moons came from and what they're made of could unlock mysteries surrounding the formation of habitable planets.
A JAXA spokesperson concluded:
"Knowing the origin of the evolution of planets that lead to life is an important scientific goal.
"We believe that the returned samples will provide clues about their origins and offer an opportunity to directly explore the moon’s building blocks or primitive crust or mantle components of Mars."
Here is all you need to know about Mars and the fact that Mars was declared and ruled as the "second most habitable planet in space" right after Earth.
This is stunning considering this is made up of actual evidence collected over decades of scrutiny - so here are a few answers to the widely asked questions regarding Mars:
- Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun
- It is named after the Roman god of war
- The landmass of Mars is very similar to Earth but due to the difference in gravity you could jump three times higher there than you can here
- Mars is mountainous and hosts the tallest mountain known in the Solar System Olympus Mons, which is three times higher than Everest
- Mars is considered to be the second most habitable planet after Earth
- It takes the planet 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun
- So far, there have been 39 missions to Mars but only 16 of these have been successful
Mars is a planet which has been featured in countless Hollywood movies, and documentaries and is arguably one of the "more well-known planets" in space.
There's been everything sent to Mars that we have sent to the Moon give or take a few nuts and bolts - except for humans who have only gone to the Moon (apparently), it is the same.
Source The Sun.
Source Mining.
Source Reference Colonization of Mars.
Source Asteroid Mining Wikipedia.
Source Reference Zero Hedge.
Source NASA.
Source JAXA.
There is going to be mining in space "for a fact" and it's been led by the Japanese after the World's Committee on Space Research Planetary Protection Panel gave JAXA (Japan's Space Agency) the all clear to drill exploration holes on Phobos, to bring back and analyze. This is the beginning of the science fiction future Hollywood portrayed in countless movies I grew up with.
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