Human sacrifice, that's a very, very scary thing to be involved with - but yet here the scientists are in front of the God statue of Shiva (which was a gift from India to CERN).
Very disturbing. Anyways, I've set the mood, here we go - more doom from CERN.
A BLACK hole could form and shrink Earth to the size of a football field if the particle accelerator experiments go wrong, a leading astronomer has claimed. This isnt fear mongering, its not a wild claim or baseless. Its an actual deep and serious concern. Its experimental physics, its never been done before and it is very possible, not just speculation and yes, its unlikely because that's the only refuge we have - blind optimistic because seve got no say in this whatsoever! Its going ahead.

The Large Hadron Collier could create a BLACK HOLE and DESTROY THE EARTH, a top astronomer claims (Image: GETTY)
Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees believes experiments at places like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC in Geneva) could have deadly consequences for life on Earth. At the LHC, researchers are smashing particles into each other so that researchers can discover new particles – such as the Higgs Boson, or the God particle, which was found in 2012 at LHC.
This, even this went over people's heads because they never saw it coming. Science has proved that God is real.
However, when particles collide at almost light speed, their gravitational pull is trapped, which theoretically could make a black hole.
In his new book:
On The Future: Prospects for Humanity, Lord Rees outlines how the experiments could go wrong.
He said: "Maybe a black hole could form, and then suck in everything around it. "The second scary possibility is that the quarks would reassemble themselves into compressed objects called strangelets." "That in itself would be harmless. However under some hypotheses a strangelet could, by contagion, convert anything else it encounters into a new form of matter, transforming the entire Earth in a hyper-dense sphere about one hundred meters across.”
He said: "Maybe a black hole could form, and then suck in everything around it. "The second scary possibility is that the quarks would reassemble themselves into compressed objects called strangelets." "That in itself would be harmless. However under some hypotheses a strangelet could, by contagion, convert anything else it encounters into a new form of matter, transforming the entire Earth in a hyper-dense sphere about one hundred meters across.”
Lord Rees added the third way:
Particle accelerators could literally obliterate Earth by creating a "catastrophe that engulfs space itself".
He said: "Empty space - what physicists call the vacuum - is more than just nothingness. It is the arena for everything that happens. “It has, latent in it, all the forces and particles that govern the physical world. The present vacuum could be fragile and unstable."
He said: "Empty space - what physicists call the vacuum - is more than just nothingness. It is the arena for everything that happens. “It has, latent in it, all the forces and particles that govern the physical world. The present vacuum could be fragile and unstable."
"Some have speculated that the concentrated energy created when particles crash together could trigger a "phase transition" that would rip the fabric of space.
“This would be a cosmic calamity not just a terrestrial one.”
The LHC is based in Switzerland (Image: GETTY)
However, CERN – the institute which runs the LHC – says there is no chance the massive machine could destroy out planet.

The LHC is based in Switzerland (Image: GETTY)
However, CERN – the institute which runs the LHC – says there is no chance the massive machine could destroy out planet.
Its website said: "The LHC Safety Assessment Group (LSAG) reaffirms and extends the conclusions of the 2003 report that LHC collisions present no danger and that there are no reasons for concern.
"Whatever the LHC will do, nature has already done many times over during the lifetime of the Earth and other astronomical bodies.” As stated previously, the LHC is responsible for the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle – a particle that had been evading physicists since the 1960's when it was first theorized by Dr Peter Higgs.
The Standard Model is a theory in particle physics that dictates how all of the particles in the universe interact, and the Higgs Boson, also known as the God Particle, was deemed necessary to give mass to other particles. The discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012 validated generations’ worth of physicists theoretical work. Without Higgs Boson, scientists claim, mass would fundamentally not exist.
This is what we've been saying for years here at USF:
We've been saying this since the very first day of our inception. CERN is going to kill us all, it's not fear, it's not over analyzing and it's definitely not because we don't know what we're saying as to why we are saying this - it's because we are acutely aware of what is going on there. CERN is experimenting with things that would implode the entire world if they were to lose control for a nano second. Some people think they've already lost control and we're now in an alternative dimension/universe and that we just didn't feel it.
We all died at the EXACT SAME instant. Some say that some of the scientists at CERN are Alien's leading teams of experimental research in to everything they've learned on their home worlds and that they brought more than their knowledge aswell, like their religions. That's why we saw that Human sacrifice on the grounds of CERN which was covered up. It was to "accommodate" their "friends" religion. To break down barriers and to basically suck up to these Aliens. Explain this video.
Just to let you know that the person who said that the scientists who performed this "spoof mock sacrifice" was actually in attendance at this "gathering". How can he...
It's an internal matter, what joke.
By the way, it was real. It was filmed by the janitor. He was stated as saying that they were all there. In front of the statue of Shiva which was given to CERN by India as the statue represents chaos and destruction, get on that. Destruction, as in the Earth maybe? Chaos as in it will throw the world in to chaos.
Source Express.
Source Global1 News Network YouTube.
"Whatever the LHC will do, nature has already done many times over during the lifetime of the Earth and other astronomical bodies.” As stated previously, the LHC is responsible for the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle – a particle that had been evading physicists since the 1960's when it was first theorized by Dr Peter Higgs.
The Standard Model is a theory in particle physics that dictates how all of the particles in the universe interact, and the Higgs Boson, also known as the God Particle, was deemed necessary to give mass to other particles. The discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012 validated generations’ worth of physicists theoretical work. Without Higgs Boson, scientists claim, mass would fundamentally not exist.
This is what we've been saying for years here at USF:
We've been saying this since the very first day of our inception. CERN is going to kill us all, it's not fear, it's not over analyzing and it's definitely not because we don't know what we're saying as to why we are saying this - it's because we are acutely aware of what is going on there. CERN is experimenting with things that would implode the entire world if they were to lose control for a nano second. Some people think they've already lost control and we're now in an alternative dimension/universe and that we just didn't feel it.
We all died at the EXACT SAME instant. Some say that some of the scientists at CERN are Alien's leading teams of experimental research in to everything they've learned on their home worlds and that they brought more than their knowledge aswell, like their religions. That's why we saw that Human sacrifice on the grounds of CERN which was covered up. It was to "accommodate" their "friends" religion. To break down barriers and to basically suck up to these Aliens. Explain this video.
Just to let you know that the person who said that the scientists who performed this "spoof mock sacrifice" was actually in attendance at this "gathering". How can he...
It's an internal matter, what joke.
By the way, it was real. It was filmed by the janitor. He was stated as saying that they were all there. In front of the statue of Shiva which was given to CERN by India as the statue represents chaos and destruction, get on that. Destruction, as in the Earth maybe? Chaos as in it will throw the world in to chaos.
Source Express.
Source Global1 News Network YouTube.
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