Atlantis, the mythological lost city of Atlantis has now been discovered and it's in plain sight, discovered by Bright Insight! This researched information was actually eye opening, it still gives me goose pimples when I read it. That it's actually been discovered in our lifetime is extraordinary and mind boggling, but very awesome!
How many experts, researchers and other adventurers have come and gone over the many, many years and all have failed in locating the myth that is Atlantis? Well, this is the wall in the middle of the proverbial road so-to-speak. There's no need for anymore expeditions and or missions to locate and "plunder" the lost city of Atlantis. All you need to know is in the 20 minute video.

Image Credit/Bright Insight
Guys, the information is and like always has divided opinions but that's only natural. The information put forward is like always subject to to change, maybe? It's all about matching up the evidence found with records and known information to come up with the "mor than likely" answer?

Image Credit/Medium
Here's an extract from the information which was provided with the amazing video (below) uploaded to YouTube by Bright Insight:
I am going to connect the dots on the exact words that Plato used to describe Atlantis, its location, and the geographical land features that surround it, which were recorded in Plato’s dialogues, the Critias and Timaeus.
And the details that Plato shared of Atlantis, which I’m about to share with you in side by side comparison (in the video below), will show you that the Richat Structure located in Mauritania Africa, also commonly referred to as the Eye of the Sahara, or the Eye of Africa, is the most likely location for the lost city of Atlantis.

Image Credit/Bright Insight
Well, after listening and checking out a few facts for myself I do believe that Atlantis has been discovered. We all have to draw that sand in the line sometimes especially when all our lives we've only been able to say "the lost city" of Atlantis. Well, now I believe it's the legendary found city of Atlantis and that doesn't take anything away from the magnificence of the event or what it stands for.
Here's the exceptional video with even more exceptional information. It's very good analysis comparison of history, mystery and facts along with all the other factors that played a part in solving this mystery. Amazing research and great conclusion.
Source Bright Insight YouTube.
Source Richat Structure Wikipedia.
Source Medium.
I have the key to Atlantis from google maps under Florida 300 meters hint between the keys and homestead Florida large key hole same definitions of the foundations of Atlantis or it could be the key hole to hell not sure.
ReplyDeleteThe circular structure arose as a result of the impact of the whirlpool of flood water on the ground-the flood waters coming from the northeast rested on the hill in the West and created a whirlpool - which created a circular erosion of the bottom-now it is a desert
ReplyDeleteSorry but this is utter nonsense as this region has been investigated several times by geologists and archaeologists who found not a shred of evidence beyond that of primitive stone age inhabitants and occasional visitations by nomadic modern tribes. People trying to sell the pseudoscience mythology of Atlantis at this location based solely on satellite imagery that shows a 'circular' morphology. This is no different that seeing a 'blob' in the sky and leaping to this completely unsubstantiated conclusion that it's an extraterrestrial craft. Atlantis is a myth until and unless objective, verifiable evidence is discovered and presented to the scientific community. Not merely the useless ramblings of some self-proclaimed 'UFOlogist' on the internet trying to claim that they've solved a great 'mystery' while sitting in their mom's basement never having bothered to gain the level of education needed to stand alongside those who have.
ReplyDeleteFor example this locale has been determined to have been hundreds of kilometers from the nearest coastline for some 230 millions years. Therefore the possibility that the 'Atlanteans', a supposed maritime culture, developed so far inland then excavated a canal hundreds of kilometers to the sea is so absurd as to be ludicrous if not insane to say the least. This is just another case of someone devoted to a myth or pseudoscience idea becoming fixated on a trivial aspect to the point where they willfully ignore everything else including objective, verified evidence to frantically cling to their 'great discovery' that is nothing more than a delusion.
Verdaderamente eres un esceptico, esto podria ser una mina o una ciudad como las Atlantes, los sacerdotes de Egipto explicaron a Solon que la Atlantida se encontraba muy al occidente de Egipto y estaba bañada por el oceano y Platon con sus medidas en estadios explica que Andalucia y el sur de Portugal formaban parte de 2 de los 10 reinos Atlantes y Cadiz era su capital, ademas los terminos ipo y uba no tienen parangon ni con el indoeuropeo ni con Africano-Bereber pero existieron ciudades como Olissipo (Lisboa), Onuba(Huelva), Ossonoba(Faro) descendientes directos de la Atlantida, tambien se a descubierto una escritura en la peninsula que ya se hablaba en eel paleolitico, y los antiguos navegantes ya hablaban de que apartir de las columnas de Hercules hacia el oceano no se podia navegar porque el fondo marino estaba obstruido por mucha tierra en el fondo marino eso explicaria el hundimiuento de alguna isla en el golfo de Cadiz. Aqui el engañado eres tu por no abrir la mente, la historia convencional hay que reescribirla hay muchas lagunas, y si eres de los que piensa que el Machu Pichu lo construyeron los Incas sin conocer la rueda, polea, hierro y cemento es que eres un ignorante y que me dices de YONAGUNI ES UNA PIEDRA NATURAL O ARTIFICIAL esta pregunta te la contestaria hasta un niño de 14 años o menos.
DeleteNothing wrong with healthy scepticism
DeleteAtlantis the golden city of haven! https://8thdegreeofj.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/2012d_apr-20_haarp-ring_st-paul-mn-02.jpg?w=811&h=494
Something successful. Except for you, the rest of the comments ignore that beyond the Earth there is a great plain, they just see the earth as a globe.
DeleteAtlantis might be Antartica.
ReplyDeleteI am dumber now for reading this.
ReplyDeleteI've got a herd of flying pink elephants
ReplyDeleteI want to suggest that all the places where Atlantis was speculated to be - they're all right. "The" continent of Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean. But the Atlanteans were trying to take over & rule the entire world. So they started setting up extended cities & outposts all over the world. The Richat Structure is the ruins of one of those extended cities. They made a deal with Africa & following that, the land of Africa flourished. The drawback was that they had to live under Atlantean rules & laws. The Atlanteans made deals with some countries, some countries were manipulated or coerced & still others were simply invaded & taken over. But the Greeks & their allies weren't having it. And after the great war, Atlantis fell. Now after 1,000s of years, all we have is the ruins & everyone's scratching the heads. Remember, the survivors scattered to other lands & many became rulers of those lands, like for instance, Egypt. Thoth the Atlantean ruled as Pharaoh, who was deposed by Marduk, another Atlantean. Thoth the Atlantean then went to the Americas, South specifically. This is where the Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, etc. came from. Thoth was known as Amaru, Q'uq'umatz, Kukulkan & Quetzalcoatl, always depicted as a plumed serpent or feathered dragon. Even though Thoth was considered benevolent, he was also known as a trickster, and sometimes his dark side came out. I believe the descendants of the Atlanteans are still trying to rule the entire world & they probably have Godzilla sized bank accounts full of very old money. If you're looking for descendants of the Atlanteans, start looking at the trillionaires first. They usually have a cut-throat mentality. All they care about is money & power. This same mentality is what led to the demise of Atlantis in the 1st place.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking time out to leave a comment. Your knowledge is a vital piece of the Ufology mystery. Please be nice, it costs nothing to be nice.