USAAF Military Jet pursues a UFO in a high-altitude dog fight video! This is an amazing and very spectacular video showing that the US military can't be in control of the UFOs flying around in the skies or are they in control after all. It also proves that the Alien's technology isn't all that better than the United States Air Force and the only real differences are the shapes. Even the colours at least in this video and images from the video show that they are white, but that raises a question with me.
Is this a USAAF UFO because it is keeping up with the UFO and it's got the same colours as the UFO and vice versa? Then there's the question of power or speed which looks like they are pretty evenly matched which goes against what we already know about UFOs which can execute manoeuvres the kind which "defy the laws of physics". This UFO/unknown aircraft seems like it's got a man-made engine or power plant powering it.
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There's the exhaust coming out of the UFO which means that there's combustion going on in the engine and that's weird. That's got me thinking that this could be:
Back-engineered technology but with an Earthly made engine! Everything else in the UFO could be of Alien origins and the engine is man-made, our only contribution to this "new threat". It is a new threat because it's a hybrid force of largely unknown and known feared technology. Alien abductions took impressive tech, memory wiping, instant transport of people to the UFO, human experiments, microchips, force fields, shields and other futuristic and very real technology.
All of that with larger applications could be seen as a major threat and a major contender for world domination with about a few hundred strategically placed around the world, well whoever does that OWNS THE WORLD! Take away the communications, take the person in control of them away but it doesn't matter as mind to mind is all that's needed. If you think that's far-fetched then you're wrong, just look it up. Scientists and universities have been working on this stuff for many years with major success!
Please send us your UFO reports or strange encounters caught on video or in photographs. If you've got a story relating to any strange or weird anomalies then please submit that as well. Even if there are no images or videos that don't matter, your story and logging the event is what matters and your peace of mind is also a big thing as well, closure can be had for yourself. Some people have found closure which they thought they would never have and they got that closure through answers that we were able to provide them with through our amazing viewers.
People always chip in with similar and "surprisingly enough" some people have indeed got the same questions and stories because unbeknownst to them - there "was" actually another eyewitness but just on the other side of the city. They get talking and the next thing they have is closure.
How spectacular is that, to know that they weren't alone witnessing it or the only one that saw it and also they now know that they weren't going mad. That's what we can maybe provide you with. It has worked for others in the past. Reporting your UFO encounter(s) with us.
If you've got any thoughts on this post please share it with us in the comments below and please don't forget to share this post thank you.{alertInfo}
Source Ufosmagazing Instagram.
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