The Baltic Sea anomaly is supposedly a crashed UFO (flying saucer) and has been there for a very, very long time according to some scientists and some archaeologists including geologists as for me, I'm not sure I'll wait for more information before I commit to a definite answer.
It's practically turned to stone or should I say "the stuff that covers it that has grown on it over the Millennia has petrified" and that's what makes this datable and it is old!
Not as old as my ex but still VERY old. This thing is ice-age and pre-humans as we know them today. It has stairs, it has streamlined shapes and a forward-looking portal. The stairs are just killer and say to me that when this thing went down, the occupants lowered the stairs and made an exit. Now that could be pure speculation but sounds about right to me.
I reckon this thing weighs at least 20 tons or more. With the growth, it could be 30 tons or more. The scorched earth behind it screams thrusters burning out or on full thrust which is why we see a massive ditch bigger than the "scratched earth" behind it. It looks to me as if it was deliberately ditched and carefully manoeuvred into place as best it could so it stayed upright. The lines and angles on the outside of the (BSA) craft bear a startling resemblance to the popular TV show's "Star Gate" Pyramid designs.
If you've seen the show, then you'll know what I mean. Does the Star Gate itself have the same design?
This 200ft wide object 300ft below the Baltic, with its ‘staircase leading to a dark hole’ has baffled oceanographers since its discovery in 2012.
This video shows the Apollo Moon Mission 20 going to the Moon to recover Alien technology from a crashed UFO BUT they got more than they ever could have imagined. They found two Aliens and one Alien that was destroyed probably upon impact when the UFO went down. The supposed captain of the UFO was a woman nicknamed "Mona Lisa" by the crew.
She was nicknamed this because of how she looked when they took away the tube-like apparatus that was attached to her face. She is very, very pretty and of outstanding beauty. The video below is by far the best evidence so far and probably to date of the existence of Aliens. Because there's no atmosphere on the Moon, she was estimated to have been there for hundreds of thousands of years just by the state of preservation alone. Which needed to be thawed out. Here is the source of the post.
The start of the post...
Now explorers believe they are one step closer to discovering the truth behind the mysterious 140,000-year-old Baltic Sea Anomaly. Bearing a striking resemblance to the Star Wars Millennium Falcon, the Baltic Sea Anomaly appears to be formed of pieces of angular metal – prompting claims it is a crashed UFO. Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg and his Ocean X team of marine explorers discovered the strange object during a dive searching for an old shipwreck. Instead, he discovered the so-called Anomaly.
Denis Asberg, who discovered Mr Lindberg, told TV4 in Sweden: “There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it, there is a lot of loose rocks. The trail starts from here. There are two trails. There is the one that leads to this large circle. Then there is another trail that leads to the second object which is about 200 metres from the circle. We found it at the same time as the circle.
But we had such focus on the circle that we did not have enough time to look at the other object. It is not circular. We were really surprised and puzzled. We were thinking what is that we have found here. This is not a wreck. At that time we thought for sure there was a natural explanation. We wanted to look into it some more and decided to keep this quiet. We contacted geologists, and marine biologists and when they said they had never seen anything like this, of course, more thoughts were triggered. It could be something awesome that we’ve found.
Even more intriguingly a structure that looks like a staircase appears to lead to a dark hole with a second structure found nearby. Speculation is rife over what the object could be with some saying it could be an anti-submarine device left over from World War Two, a battleship gun turret or indeed a flying saucer. Despite looking like a huge rock, scientists say the structure appears to be made of metal. Electric and satellite diving equipment reportedly cuts out when near the object.
Stefan Hogerborn, a professional diver with Ocean X, said: "Anything electric out there, and the satellite phone as well, stopped working when we were above the object, then when we got away about 200 metres, it turned on again." Mr Lindberg’s Ocean X team are continuing to investigate the object, five years after making the initial discovery while exploring the floor of the Bothnian Sea between Sweden and Finland. Sonar has found drag marks behind the object and geologist Steve Weiner says according to his tests, the structure is not a geological formation.
This is an amazing discovery and will go down in history! It needs to be recovered if you can. Its design is beautiful. It is pure Alien technology from the outside to the inside which we cannot see, YET!{alertInfo}
An Ocean X interpretation of what the Baltic Sea Anomaly may look like based on their data.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly bears a striking resemblance to the Millennium Falcon. He said the object is made of "metals which nature could not reproduce itself". Sat nearly 300ft below the surface and measuring 26ft tall, the marine explorers found the strange craft with a side-scan sonar. Mr Lindberg said: "I have been the biggest sceptic, I was kind of prepared for finding just stone. For me it has been an amazing experience. "I think it is very odd in its shape. It is tough to explain what it might be exactly since different scientists have many different theories. "Whatever it is, it is something we do not usually find in nature sitting in the dark cold depths of the Baltic Sea."
The formation was found on the seabed of the Baltic Sea
Ocean X found the Baltic Sea Anomaly with a side-scan sonar
It is thought the object could be at least 140,000 years old after a university professor linked the mysterious disc to the Ice Age. Volker Bruchert, an associate professor of geology at Stockholm University, said: "I hypothesise that this object, this structure was formed during the Ice Age many thousands of years ago." Ocean X is expected to return to the wreck to continue investigating the discovery. Mr Lindberg said: "We will pretty much just be able to do the same things as we did in 2012. It is not for sure yet but since we're involved in a new TV project it might give us the opportunity."
Denis Asberg, who discovered Mr Lindberg, told TV4 in Sweden: There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it, there is a lot of loose rocks. The trail starts from here. There are two trails. There is the one that leads to this large circle. Then there is another trail that leads to the second object which is about 200 metres from the circle. We found it at the same time as the circle. But we had such focus on the circle that we had enough time to look at the other object. It is not circular.
We were really surprised and puzzled. We were thinking what is that we have found here. This is not a wreck. At that time we thought for sure there was a natural explanation. We wanted to look into it some more and decided to keep this quiet.{alertInfo}
We contacted geologists, and marine biologists and when they said they had never seen anything like this, of course, more thoughts were triggered. It could be something awesome that we’ve found.
Credit: Ocean X.
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